How to create Word file from asciidoc

The easiest way to create Microsoft Word files (.docx) from asciidoc, is to generate the .html using asciidoctor and then using pandoc to convert that .html to .docx.

In the code below, we avoid having to install pandoc by running it from a docker container.

asciidoctor my_file.adoc
docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" pandoc/core my_file.html -o my_file.docx

These can be combined in a Makefile, like so:

my_file.html: my_file.adoc
	asciidoctor index.adoc

my_file.pdf: my_file.adoc
	asciidoctor-pdf -o my_file.pdf my_file.adoc

my_file.docx: my_file.html
	docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" pandoc/core my_file.html -o my_file.docx

This will automatically regenerate the intermediate my_file.html if necessary when running make my_file.docx.